Multi-Day Event

View the video below to learn about and create Multi-Day Events in Advancement Form.

The video above will show how to make a Multi-Day Event with different activities with different prices.

Making a Multi-Day Event

For the first example in the video, we made Golf Outing that anyone can sign up to. We put the time in the morning and on a particular day. You can specify the location and enable the waitlist and anything you wish before creating the event. To edit the price, deductible, limit, and quantity available, you would need to go into the builder and edit the registration field within the activity.

Then we’ll do a capacity event- President’s Dinner. This will be a second event that will happen one or two days later, and at a different time, like the evening.  

Now with this one, the video will give you an example of if you want different prices in one activity.

So for the initial registration field, it will be an adult ticket. But if we wanted to add a second registration field, we would click the Add a Field button on the bar of the activity. We will name it a child ticket. You can make it a different price and so on before making the Registration Field.

And when we finish the activity, you can position the fields as we see fit inside the activity with the four-way arrow symbol. You will also see a Select box underneath the Attendee button. Because we have more than one Registration Field withing the activity, that will appear so that the people signing up can choose which ticket they need to purchase.

Then the third activity will be a Football Event. And again, do all the specifications you want before creating the event. Then going to the registration field within the activity to specify price and so on. You can make different ticket fields within the activity, just like with the President’s Dinner if you would like. 

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