Event Wait List

View the video below to learn about and create Event Wait Lists in Advancement Form.

The video above will talk about the Event Wait List. This is pretty straight forward and will show examples of what happens when capacity is hit, and people are put on a wait list.

Wait Lists

So to enable the wait list on your event, you would go to the edit tab and find the Enable Wait List checkbox. By default, it is not enabled, but when you check it off, people can be added to the wait list if you have put a capacity number in the Capacity box. You will need to put a Capacity in order for the wait list to work.

We have help documentation on Event Capacities if you need it.

For this example, I have a small capacity to show you what happens when that number is hit and how people get put on the wait list.

The message “ The event is full. However, you may register to be added to the wait list” will appear before the person even starts to sign up, just to let them know that they will be on the wait list. And when they complete the registration, it still has the message that they will be on the wait list.

On the home page of the event, you see in the top corner if people are one the wait list.

If you want to remove people from the wait list, you would go to the registration tab, click on their registered ID, and edit their registration.

 On the Edit Registration page, at the top is the Wait List radio buttons to take someone on or off the Wait Lists. Click the No option to take them off the wait list and update the registration. Then they are off the list and invited to the event.

 If they are put on the Wait List, they do not get the standard Thank You email but they get the On Wait List thank you email instead so that different information can be communicated to the registrant.

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