Crowdfunding Causes
View the video below to learn about and create Causes of Crowdfunding Campaigns in Advancement Form.
The video above goes over the Causes tab in a Crowdfunding Campaign form.
This tab allows you to create Causes that people can donate to within the overall donation page. You can think of these as sub-campaigns for your overall Crowdfunding Campaign.
Creating a Cause
To make a Cause, just go into the tab and click Add a Cause.
You can add your necessary information and the goals within the editing are the same as with making the overall crowdfunding form. You can add your own summary or extra information. You can add in a photo that will appear for the Cause if you wish. It sorts alphabetically by default, but if you want to change the sort order, you can manually sort them by manually entering a numeric sort. Lowest numbers first.
For Track Donations, it has an interesting feature that you can track the cause ID. What that does is when that donation goes through, it will be counted towards this cause. The reason why the Track Donations was added was to handle where someone gives a gift that contains more than one designation. For example, maybe someone gives to Athletics and Business School in one gift. Tracking by Designations allows the Athletics Cause to receive its share and the Business School to receive its share. Otherwise, tracking donations by the Cause page they give on means that one or the other gets all the credit.
What you can also do in that option is given to a specific designation. If you enable that, another option appears below that. All your designations will appear in a drop-down list.
So there is 2 ways they give.
- They click on the cause, and they want to give money there.
- On the Give Now button on the main page. If you set it up by designation, and they give to those designations, and if the causes are set up to do designation tracking, what happens is each of these causes will get their own gifts. It is basically where the money if being designated.
Then you can create your cause. You also see the Slider in the Edit section on the causes page. I go over the slider in another video.