
View the video below to learn about the Images page in Advancement Form.

The video above goes over the Images page in the Styling tab within Advancement Forms. This allows you to upload your images to use for the design of the forms when you use Advancement Forms.


To find the Images page, you will click on the Styling tab at the top. You then just click on the Images option. There you can upload your photos to Advancement Form.

You can use these images in your Forms, pages, and emails. For example, you can access these images from the Email Builder. You can also place images in any HTML field. For example, in Thank You headers or footers, as a part of page layouts or in an HTML field on a form. The key is to use the copy function below each image and then paste it using the Insert Image option in the HTML editor.

Another small thing is you can add a description to the image by clicking the edit option below each image. 

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